Transform Your Affiliate Network into Dynamic Hub

Join Our Partnership Program and Get a Dedicated Page for Your Academy Affiliates—Completely Free!

Contact Us Now!

Get to know us

Grapple Grove

Our mission is simple: to connect students with quality BJJ training and empower academies to expand their reach.

Academies Directory

Discover BJJ academies worldwide, all in one place.

Find Your Training

Connecting students with the best academies.

Grow Your Academy

Expand your reach and attract new students.
Problem statement

Challenges for Academies with Multiple Affiliates

What We Currently See On The Market

01. Data Complexity

Managing affiliates info across locations is overwhelming

02. Outdated Information

Keeping profiles and details updated is a constant struggle

03. Time-Consuming

Updating affiliate data takes up valuable time and resources

04. Fragmented Data

Info is spread across platforms, making tracking difficult

Streamline Your Affiliate Network For Free

Empower your affiliates with up-to-date data and grow your reach effortlessly. Ready to transform your affiliate network? Reach out to the GrappleGrove onboarding team for more details.

Transform Your Affiliate Network into a Dynamic Hub

Unleashing Potential with Grapple Grove


Quick and simple profile creation process

list of affiliates

Showcase a complete, branded list of all your affiliates


Becomes the responsibility of Grapple Grove

Customization and professional design

We will work together on a landing page for your brand and all affiliates

Partnership Program

We’re offering this service completely free of charge with a small expectation: your support in promoting Grapple Grove through online advertising. Here’s what you’ll receive:
  • A dedicated landing page to showcase your brand.
  • Effortless, up-to-date information about your affiliates.
  • Inclusion in our "Top BJJ Affiliates" section on GrappleGrove.

Get In Touch!

Commitment to fully onboard your affiliates

We rely on your leadership to ensure affiliates create their Academy Profiles on GrappleGrove, adhering to the following timeline:
  • A 2-week deadline for affiliates to create their profiles.
  • Regular check-ins to monitor the onboarding process.
  • Once 70% of affiliates are onboarded, we’ll begin building your custom landing page—completely free.

Collaboration on promoting Grapple Grove

After the landing page is ready, we ask for your collaboration in promoting our platform across your affiliate network and headquarters via Instagram and Facebook:
  • A single post on Instagram and Facebook from your headquarters account announcing the partnership.
  • Promotion from your key affiliates in major regions (Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia), ensuring visibility across your network.